Monday, 12 January 2015

Winter Wonderland

This Holiday me and my family was in our holiday home and there was the most beautiful snow it was actually difficult to take pictures of because it was so beautiful that the camera couldn't contain the beautifulness!

It's kinda hard to choose witch season I like the best everyone has something good about them but I'm mostly into the autumn-winter season because summer always is so hot and at some point I just find spring very annoying in my head spring just try to better then the 3 other and are like a sassy b*tch.. please dont say thats weird! Whats yours favorite season?

but anyway here you have some picture from the beautiful Winter Wonderland

The dog is sadly not mine but my grandmoms and its the sweetest dog ever!

have a lovely day :*

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Who Am I?

Hi I'm a 15 year old girl that likes taking pictures so now i have a blog.. not much to say my life is kinda boring: school, eat, go online, sleep.. oh and i have a rabbit 

So yeah this is my new blog where I post pictures of nature, other people or whatever that comes to my mind its my own pictures taken from my own camera. The idea behind the blog is mostly just to have them in the future to look back at but it could be kinda cool if it became big and fabulous! I have been thinking about just using my instagram (@marie_stenger) but i kinda like the idea of a blog and the setup.. and I btw also have a youtube channel if you wanna check that out
I think that was it i really hope you will like my blog/pictures (if you have a google + please follow me) 

have an awesome day!